RISE Mzansi Youth and Student Chapters is growing the One Meal, One Student Campaign to cater to the rest of the country

Remarks by
Lawrence Manaka
April 5, 2024

RISE Mzansi Youth and Student Chapters are expanding their One Meal, One Student campaign to support South African students affected by a recent funding crisis. Nearly 100,000 students missed out on NSFAS allowances this year, leaving many homeless and hungry. RISE Mzansi condemns this neglect and aims to mitigate student hardships through their campaign.

The One Meal, One Student Campaign has already assisted students at universities like UFS, Univen, CPUT, and UWC. However, RISE Mzansi is committed to reaching all students, aiming to build a compassionate and healthy nation. This initiative addresses the dual challenges of malnutrition among students, supporting their well-being and academic success.

Help end student hunger today by donating to www.donate.risemzansi.org with the reference 'student-meal'. Every contribution counts toward providing nutritious meals and fostering a brighter future for South Africa's students.

Download the complete media statement release above.


Issued by:

Lawrence Manaka  

RISE Mzansi Youth and Student Chapters  



Khanyisile Xayimpi  

Youth and Student Chapters  

Communications Officer  

072 490 9280