New Leaders will bring stability and services to Tshwane

Remarks by
Songezo Zibi
March 26, 2024

RISE Mzansi National Leader, Songezo Zibi, addressed Atteridgeville, Tshwane, accompanied by RISE Mzansi Candidates. He highlighted the dire conditions facing South African communities, attributing them to political neglect and self-interest. RISE Mzansi pledges to prioritize community safety, jobs for all ages, food security, and improved service delivery, supporting single mothers and advocating for new, accountable leaders.

Zibi criticized current leaders for prioritizing personal gain over community welfare, contrasting them with RISE Mzansi's community-focused approach. He emphasized the need for capable, committed leaders who deliver on promises, offering solutions to local challenges like clean water access and employment opportunities. Rejecting the ANC and DA's governance failures, he called for support in creating a prosperous and equitable South Africa.

Download the complete media statement release above.