Today, South Africa votes for New Leaders

Remarks by
Songezo Zibi
May 29, 2024

Today, 29 May 2024, millions of South Africans will wake up to vote for the South Africa we all deserve. The 7th National and Provincial Elections offer a chance to elect new leaders committed to creating a safe, prosperous, equal, and united country where communities and their families live dignified lives. As we embrace this day with hope, we must remember that up to 20 million people will vote without having a meal, nearly 80 individuals will not make it due to murder, and almost 42% of South Africans will face unemployment. Our communities are struggling with water shortages, and power outages loom.

However, today we have the opportunity to vote for change that extends beyond this election cycle. By placing an 'X' next to RISE Mzansi on all three ballots, you can help build a better future. This vote represents a commitment to safety, a new and just economy, ending hunger, delivering quality services, supporting single mothers, and establishing accountability between the people and public representatives. RISE Mzansi pledges to uphold these values and work towards a brighter future for all South Africans. Today, let’s vote for new leaders and a hopeful future.

Download the complete media statement release above.